Monday, 31 January 2011

Roseberry Topping - The inspiration for Captain Cook

Roseberry Topping is a big rocky lump that rises out of the valley floor and offers a fantastic 360 degree view of the surrounding countryside. Situated at Newton-under-Roseberry, North Yorkshire it is said to be the inspiration for Captain Cook to become an explorer. H eused to climb to the top as a child.

I can certainly see how this would inspire someone to want to travel and see more fantastic sights.

I'm afraid that my image doesn't really do it justice as it only shows the view from one side at the top. The light was going so you can't see how far the patchwork of fields went on for. Also it looks quite still in this picture but at the top the wind whips around you quite fiercely and you have to be careful not to be blow off.

So all I can do is to recommend that if you're ever in the area (only about 10 miles from Middlesborough) take a trip to this fantastic place in an idyllic setting. You won't be disappointed!  

Sunday, 23 January 2011

Bandstand at the Vine Cricket Ground in Sevenoaks

The Vine Cricket Ground in Sevenoaks, Kent is the second oldest cricket ground in the world. This is the bandstand on a cold day.

It is still occasionally in use for performances. Usually on sundays. Unfortunately it is actually quite complicated just to put on a simple performance as a license has to be applied for beforehand.

Here's a view of the rest of the Vine Cricket Ground with the symbolic oaks at the far edge and the North Downs in the distance.

Friday, 21 January 2011

Ploughed field in Autumn

What I liked about this scene was the texture of the ground with the straight lines of the furrows. Also the early evening like from the side was casting long shadows on the ground.

Despite essentially being a man made scene it feels very natural due to the earth colours and the agricultural nature of it.

The hills in the distance are the North Downs in Kent, UK. If you stand on the top of them you can see London on the other side. Canary Wharf is clearly distinguishable.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Stones on the beach at Brunswick bay

This photo was taken on a beautiful sunny summer day. The view was fabulous and there was so much to see. Even given all that I find it amazing that there is so much to see in a simple monochrome shot of some pebbles and some sand.

I like the texture of the sand against the smoothness of the wet stones and the tiny channels cut into the sand by the flowing water.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Cat in Repose

Cats can be the most wonderful subjects for photography. They're photogenic, they stay still for hours on end and they're easy to find.

However, they can also be a nightmare. A cat that has been asleep or still for hours on end may suddenly decide it's time to play just as you bring your camera out. They also have a stubborn streak that often means they will absolutely refuse to do what you want them to.

That said, this cat's curiosity about the camera helped in this instance.

Friday, 7 January 2011

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

The snow fell thick and fast on the North Yorkshire Moors this winter. This photo was taken early on when the snow was exciting and beautiful. A month later it was starting to get a little tedious and we were all longing for a change.

North Yorkshire Moors in the Snow

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Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Dance of the Fireflies

This photo was, in many ways, a lucky accident. I was trying some long exposure shots at night and tried moving the camera around while the shutter was open. Sometimes it worked and other times it didn't.

On this shot the luck was with me. The lights are ordinary orange sodium street lights in a car park.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Rainbow over Holy Island

Rainbow over Holy Island

Holy Island is a small island next to the Isle of Arran in Scotland. It is home to a meditation retreat and a herd of wild goats.

This photo was taken in the early evening as a rainbow started to form above the island.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

The Inquisitive Sheep

This lovely curly haired young lady came over to greet me when I was taking photos next to a farmers field. I'm not sure whether she was curious or just hoping I might have some food to offer.

The Inquisitive Sheep